Cascades Guardhouse, 11741 Jog Rd, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 [map]
Mike will observe and give us pointers on our play.

Availability list

Sallee S Ilene L Evelyn G Sharon G Linda L Adriana L Antoinette H Cindy W Donna P Donna B Dee K Jan M
Marian D Kathy C Fran B Bonnie M Susan K Leslie R Beth G VIcki D
Jussi Ellyn G Mike H

Comment ...


What is the cost for Michael’s clinic?


Sharon and I will be speaking with Mike to figure out the details and will let everyone know!

Visiting players can sign up using a link


Player 12 8
Coach 0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 0
Total In 12 Out 8
Previous / Next In Out
Practice Tue, Jan 2 at 04:00 PM 10 9
Practice Tue, Jan 9 at 04:00 PM 15 5
Practice Tue, Jan 16 at 03:30 PM 12 8
Other Fri, Jan 19 at 10:30 AM 6 4
Other Mon, Jan 22 at 10:30 AM 10 8

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